Celeste is a 20-year-old fashion designer who’s currently a student in the Bachelors of Design program at FIDM in Los Angeles. She started designing relatively early all the way back to high school and she comes from a legacy of people in the fashion industry – she felt like it was part of her DNA. She’s currently doing her best to put her work out there and she’s hoping to grow her brand.
Sassy & Co Magazine recently caught up with Celeste to discuss her journey in the fashion world and here’s what went down:
How did you get into the fashion industry?
I was fresh out of high school with no idea what I wanted to do. I attended community college for a year and suddenly decided- “I’m going to fashion school!” I’d always loved fashion and I had thought at the time- why not? I have time… and it was the best decision of my life.
What do you like most about being a designer?
I think the best part about being a designer is that once you get past caring about the judgment of other people-it is freeing. The ideas in your head are yours and yours alone and when you choose to share them with the world-its really special. I love to see these ideas come to life.
Downside to being a fashion designer?
I think one of the downsides to being a designer is the constant comparison I have in my own head to my peers. I see the potential and already existing beauty and revolutionary new designs and I think what I do isn’t good enough. It’s a huge mental hurdle because we live in a digital world constantly exposed to the best and most exciting parts of everyone else’s lives. It is hard not to be intimidated when I’m just trying to find my own little corner of the world.
What has been the most memorable experience of being in the fashion industry so far?
So far, as of this article, it would have to be the SHEIN X program. I applied really early on to be part of it and it was amazing. On the other hand, I’ve worked for and with amazing designers and I would never trade those experiences for the world.
Who have been the most interesting people you’ve met so far?
I think the most interesting person I’ve met is Denise Focil, I worked for her company as an intern and it was amazing. She took on a mentor role for me and allowed me a chance to design for her even though I had just started fashion school and I knew nothing.
What has been the most valuable lesson you’ve learned while in the fashion industry. This can be about the industry or about yourself.
A lot of my friends would probably say that working for free is something you should never do-I don’t agree. I happen to think that it’s a beneficial experience because it teaches you hard work without expecting anything. It teaches you to treat all opportunities like gold. The most valuable experiences that help you grow are the ones that you don’t pay for.
Is your family supportive of you being a fashion designer?
Yeah, I mentioned above that I come from a legacy of fashion people. My great grandfather ran a clothing factory when he was alive, and my grandmother is a professional tailor working with high-end brands. My family has always supported my dreams.
If you could go back in a time machine to the time when you were just getting started, what would you do differently?
I probably would not change anything. I think I’m lucky to have had the experiences I’ve had even though it might not seem like much-I’m very grateful.
What is the best advice you have ever been given?
Trust the process. I’ve always been about that and I think some things in life you don’t need to question too hard.
What are your future plans? Inside your career or out of it.
I will be showing a runway collection at FMC’s LA Fashion Week on October 19th. It’s going to be great.